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Surf’s Up! The Summer Games Competition Happening 10,000 Miles from Paris

about French Polynesia, French Polynesia

On the other side of the earth from the epicenter of the Paris Summer Games, one competition is returning to its roots – while still flying the French flag. For the second Summer Games in a row, surfing is part...

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Places to Celebrate Britain's 'Football' Heritage


This month, English fans of ‘footy’ had lots to celebrate. Despite a heartbreaking loss in the finals of the Euros, it was England’s best performance ever in the continent’s biggest game. Soccer, that is. Britain is the birthplace of the...

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Get Into the Spirit of the 'Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports'

about Kentucky, Kentucky

Spring brings longer days, warmer weather… and the thunder of hooves as horse racing begins in North America and Europe. On this side of the pond, there’s no better way to get your heart racing than to be in the stands...

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Learn to Haka on the All Blacks' Rugby Team's Home Ground

about New Zealand

It's one of the most famous – and fearsome – pre-game rituals in the world. One that you can now learn for yourself in one of the world's most storied stadiums.Any global sports fan has heard of New Zealand's fabled All...

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